Don’t Ask

Dont Ask.jpg

I need no introduction.

I am everywhere, yet you cannot see me.

Am I a shadow on the wall?

Am I the monster lurking inside you?

For your own sake, don’t ask.

I’ve been around since life began.

I kept walking while the whole world ran.

Seen every evil, all atrocities

Seen all manner of misdeeds

Both in villages and cities

Am I proud of it? Pardon if I’m crass

Let me put it this way,

Why’d you have to ask?

The answers you seek, I cannot divulge

My old scythe beckons

And believe me I’ll get them all.

Call me evil, call me what you will

It’s me you’re hearing when a man cries out

Eyes red and voice shrill.

So my friend, are you ready for yours?

Nothing personal, just doing my chores.

So I’ll say it again, because it is my task.

Do you see me now?

We have to go.

Where, you say?

Please, don’t ask.


Exit Through the Aorta


Butterfly Hands