A Road To Happiness

Follow your orders

Get an education, get a job, support a family, be silent

Follow your orders

Pick up that gun, defend our freedom, bleed the deepest shade of red, be silent

Follow your orders and don’t question where they come from because they mean you no harm.

Harm is exactly what you’ll receive though.

When you can’t think for yourself then why bother with thinking at all. Fall in line with the rest of them and watch as you and everyone else

around you continues to fall.

They never tell you to jump,

To leap

To strive for the right line.

They never tell you that there is more than one line

Parallel lines all around you that equate to the same thing: Happiness

But for you happiness isn’t achieved until that face is caked with makeup or

you’re staring at a clip feeling the heat on your fingertips.

Bullshit I say.

I call that artificial happiness fed to you through lies and social order.

An order you didn’t ask to be a part of. An order that manipulates without

you even knowing it.

An order that you can’ break free of

Because you are black on that white line.

Because you are beauty in a sea of despair.

Because you are perfection and cannot see it.

So open your heart, and

leap to the line that best suits you.

The you who cannot be tamed.

The you who yearns for peace.

The you who can stand alone.

The you who is loud in the silence.

Embrace the diversity, the peculiar, the mutant because that is what makes

you an original.

Society’s detrimental line is not for you.

It is only a depiction of what those in power want for you.

All they want is you to stay busy and distracted with endless busy-work and a

scripted reality TV show.

But what do you want?

What do you truly need?

Is it Love? Or Forgiveness? Peace?

When you are on that right line, your orders are filled with love every step of

the way.

You become the embodiment

of peace and need not ask for forgiveness.

Forgiveness is meant to be given, for giving love to each other is all that matters.

Your happiness will become sincere and will point you straight to the clouds.

An inner sanctum where not a soul can touch you

and you see God all around you, touching you and holding you.

When you are held by God

your hands are an extension of his, touching the world around you with his

orders of love.

So jump

and keep jumping until you’re on that line with the slope too steep for society

to grapple onto.

Too steep for the cattle to climb. Steep enough only for the eagle to soar

freely and scream loudly because now is not the time to stay silent.


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