Sestina of Our Morning

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It happened as I imagined it would, when he spoke to me that day, in the morning.

We walked over the small bridge conversing over things so simple.

The glances I dare gave you were rapid, but frequent.

I allowed my eyes to memorize the colors of the sky present in your stare.

I took note of the fact that you have the sweetest and most sincere of smiles.

Why did you seem so interested in what I was saying, you really know how to listen.

I wish I could walk with you every morning, even if it was only to listen.

Now you have me waiting for the opportunity to encounter you yet another morning.

I am happy to see your companions and your days produce that captivating smile.

If only I could know what you really think of me, if only it were that easy, that simple.

Since that morning in particular, I have been able to find you from afar and let myself stare.

What would it be like to see you not only in the mornings, but the afternoons too, and frequently?

At the same time, I die a little at the thought of what it would be like to be with you frequently.

When you talk and joke my nerves don’t let me listen.

As it is I couldn’t even beat you in a contest of stares.

I am getting ahead of myself, thinking and imagining a future with more mornings.

Just so you know, I will never dare, so you say it first, it is simple.

My shyness doesn’t even let me completely enjoy your smile.

Does a future exist where I do not get to see your smile?

Perhaps it is different for you and we shouldn’t see each other frequently.

The very thought makes my heart sink, now I see, it is not that simple.

My heart speaks to me, my mind as well, but I don’t want to listen.

What do I do if that was the first and only morning?

These words are now at war with the memory of your stare.

If only I could read your mind to see if you often think of my stare.

I wonder if you affectionately remember my smiles.

Is it possible that you cannot sleep just thinking about that morning?

Have you considered asking to see me more frequently?

Is your mind the place where you give my voice another listen?

Or do you think of me as boring and simple?

The wait is going to kill me, it won’t be simple.

How long will I be capable of maintaining your stare?

There is no one else for listening.

I don’t want to forget your incomparable smile.

Until the moment presents itself, I am going to think of you frequently.

Even if there is progression or not, I have hope for another morning.

If I am lucky I will see you tomorrow morning.

If not, I will wait for the day that I don’t think of you frequently.

I promise, I won’t get too lost in your stare.


The Tantrum of Serenity


Sestina de Nuestra Mañana