Lost Stars
When your path first crossed with mine, I thought that you were the sun
and I was the moon. Two entities so beautiful and ethereal,
but never meant to collide.
I told you my name and it melted on your tongue like cotton candy
and I knew right then that I never wanted to hear
another person make the same sound.
So many whispered dreams and hopes, fears and promises, so many “I love you”s littered with kisses and moans, fingers tangled together. So many moments are seared onto my skin and burned into the deepest corners of
my heart.
You crashed into me like a lost star and I had no way of stopping you.
You burned with a fire so bright that you illuminated parts of me
I never knew existed.
In the end, I was wrong. Not because we were never meant to collide, but because you are not the sun and I am not the moon. We are not worldly,
we are asteroids.
Eventually our paths will untangle themselves, and we will drift apart.