New York Tragedies

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Let us always remember the tragedies

That swept across the city

And wrecked families apart

When the buildings razed

And the fire blazed

The screams of women and children crying out in desperation

Yet what could New Yorker’s do

What could the government do?

So many perished from the flames that engulfed them and the smoke that suffocated them

Many chose to jump

To save themselves from burning agony

Suicide is a mortal sin but are there any exceptions?

They chose to spread their wings and fly away

Fly away love, let’s end this suffering

We can jump together

And they fell and littered the streets like broken dolls

Cold, dead, lifeless

Oh did why this happen

Ashes rained throughout the city

And the streets were red lined in blood

First responders and normal people raced to scene

Alas, they came too late

All they could smell was the burning flesh

And their lives have never been the same

Crowds gathered and cried together

Tears of isolation spreading down their cheeks

Yet millions more repressed their emotions

And let anger fill the void

We need to remember

The burning faces

The firefighters who risked their lives

The emotions and patriotism

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

The World Trade Center

And maybe we can go back to the times when love was not a dirty word


Sestina de Nuestra Mañana

