Where Are They Now? Featuring: Nicole Dufour

We’re interviewing alumni who were published and worked on The York Review in the past to see how they’re doing after graduation. Today’s interview is with Nicole Dufour, a recent alumna of York College.


When did you attend York College and what was your major?

I graduated from YCP in May of 2016 aka like 5 months ago. I majored in Professional writing and minored in Public Relations.

Were you published in The York Review? If so, why did you submit?

I was published in the most recent York Review. I got a poem accepted and I think two pictures. The poem that was published was really special to me. It was something that I started in my freshman into to creative writing class and finally finished/polished/perfected in my senior poetry class. (Both with Travis so it was one of the most meaningful things that I created during my time at YCP for so many reasons)

While working on The York Review, what were your titles and what did you do?

During my junior year I was director of social media. I planned fun events around campus, launched The York Review’s Instagram and revamped the Twitter and Facebook. My favorite accomplishment from that year was starting open mic nights! And not to toot my own horn but I kind of came up with the “Be Weird with Us” slogan. Senior year I had a case of senioritius and admittedly did much less. But I did start the podcast with Austin and Lizz!

What did you want to do when you were younger?

When I was two I told everyone I wanted to be a bus driver. Then I wanted to be a comedian. I think I should switch back to the original dream.

What have you been doing since you graduated?

I was lucky enough to get a job before graduating so I have been adulting pretty hard. It’s been a very hard adjustment. I really miss being surrounded by people who inspire me and creating something together.

Have you been working on any other creative works recently?

I’m actually in the process of starting a podcast with my friend Chris. It’s in the very early stages but I’m excited to see it (hopefully) turn into a regular thing. I’m also hoping to begin taking classes at the Upward Citizen Brigade (UCB) in the fall.

How does it feel to see the magazine on the other side now that you’re no longer working on publication?

It’s weird. I’m so so proud but also so jealous that I am not still in HUM 9 with everyone brainstorming about making something awesome. Mostly proud. I’m blown away with what Austin and Ryan have been doing with the podcast. I know that this year’s issue is going to be amazing and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. I’m also grateful to York College for allowing students to make something so personal and incredible.


Revive the Archive: Kendall Snell’s “I Died of Typhoid Fever: Lamenting the Disappearance of The Oregon Trail” (2006)


Revive the Archive: Gregory Gable’s “Songbird” (2014)