Growing Pains

The gentle hand of my mother waking me up, is now met with the wailing sounds of the alarm clock

Life is not what it used to be

Bravery to talk to anyone, is now met with the anxiety of saying the wrong thing

Life is not what it used to be

Running around outside with my friends, is now met with the need to exercise to stay in shape

Life is not what it used to be

Playing dress up, is now met with picking myself apart in the mirror

Life is not what it used to be

Pretending to be an astronaut, is now met with having to determine my future

Life is not what it used to be

Being swept off my feet by prince charming, is now met with having to fix my broken heart

Life is not what it used to be

Being comforted by my mother, is now met with staring at the dorm room ceiling

Life is not what it used to be

Walking up the street to see my friends, is now met with the occasional exchange of texts

Life is not what it used to be

Going on last minute trips with my family, is now met with scheduling work shifts

Life is not what it used to be

Spending the weekend with my grandparents, is now met with attending their funerals 

Life is not what it used to be

Blissful ignorance of the world’s cruelty, is now met with looking over my shoulder when i'm alone

Life is not what it used to be

Kiersten McNeely

Kiersten McNeely is a junior Criminal Justice major with a Legal Studies minor. This semester she is working on The York Review website. In her free time she enjoys playing rugby, going to the gym, and spending time with her friends.


Show for An Audience of One


I Remember El Salvador