My Escape

My escape 

Written words are my escape 

The thrilling adventures of a main character into a foreign world 

Their life being written out but still their own. 

My life was written in stone from the moment I let out my first wail in this world. It was not my own life though, not my own fate. 

I think that is why I cherish my escape. 

I can go into a world where no fate is completely destined. 

Where decisions are made by their own will. 

They are my best friends when all I want is to feel the warm embrace of someone else's captivating life. Not the life I have been dragged into living with the burdens of others' trauma. Being force fed choices I never wanted. 

But written words on pieces of paper are a choice of mine. 

My little Escape

Jesenia Zavala

My name is Jesenia Zavala co-editor of the York Review website. I am a professional writing major with a creative writing minor. One fact about me is that I speak 3 languages.


The York Review Vol. 28 is out now!


Dreaming in Mixed Media