Goodbye Dallas

I’m angry

Why did he have to get sick?

Why can't animals live as long as us?

Why couldn't I save him?

I feel guilty 

Did I give him enough treats?

Did he like the belly rubs?

Did I make him happy?

Did I do the right thing?

I’m depressed

There's a hole in my life where he was

I’ll never get to cuddle with him again

I'll never hear his little snores

I’m in denial

He can't be gone

He was healthy 

He was happy

He deserved more than 7 years with me

I accept the loss

Madi Sweitzer

Madi is a Senior Literary & Textual Studies Major with a Minor in Women & Gender Studies. She is the Editor in Chief for The York Review website and Social Media Manager for the YCP Rough Draft Podcast. One fun fact about her is that she has 20 tattoos.


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