The Golden Sparrow

She was always living for other people.

She craved attention to the point where she would take shears to her pretty preened golden feathers and watch the blood flow out of them so that they would notice the pretty meek sparrow who sought attention through actions not words. 

Look at me, the golden sparrow wished she was a screaming canary who is loud and proud but the meek golden sparrow had no voice.

She was trained to be quiet and to not think.

Only to please. Born to live the life of a prisoner seen as a savior. 

¿Por qué no estás feliz? Why are you not happy? You're the golden sparrow?

She was never taught how.

How is a prisoner supposed to feel happy living in a cage she was never meant to live in. 

She was meant to jump and fly and use her wings to taste the world in her own way.

The golden sparrow had dreams that she never thought were good enough,

But they were her own and they were beautiful just as she was.

She didn’t need to become something else, She didn’t need bigger feathers,

Or some with brighter colors like a blue jay or a cardinal.

She didn’t need to become a screaming canary.

She needed to break out of her cage.

She needed to see the beautiful Golden Sparrow,

The beautiful Golden wings with scars that told her story,

Transforming into someone who felt proud of themselves.

She was never meek just trapped.

Jesenia Zavala

My name is Jesenia Zavala co-editor of the York Review website. I am a professional writing major with a creative writing minor. One fact about me is that I speak 3 languages.


The Real Reason Why I Crashed in the Creek


I Feel Everything All Of The Time